July 2, 2017

July, 29, 2017

October 12, 2017

December 19, 2017

February 18, 2018

April 6, 2020.
The covid-19 pandemic has hit the world and we’re asked to self isolate. This has given me time to paint this painting of myself. It’ll be a reminder of this period in time.
Through this process, it cleared up a few things in my mind and opened up a few avenues I might want to explore in future paintings.

April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020

April 6, 2020

oil on canvas
24x30 in.

18x24 in.
oil on canvas

Nov. 7, 2020
24x30 in.
oi on canvas

self portrait
oil on canvas
18x24 in.
Jan. 23, 2021

24x36 in.
oil on canvas
Feb. 22, 2021
A cheeky ironic commentary on the work life of an artist during the Covid pandemic lockdown. Dressing up for a zoom meeting from the waist up but staying in the paint smeared garb of an artist from the waist down.

24x24 in.
oil on canvas
April28, 2021

oil on canvas
36x36 in.
Where’d the years go?

8x10 in.
oil on masonite
I was trying to be a bit more abstract with this self portrait.

July 2, 2017
July, 29, 2017
October 12, 2017
December 19, 2017
February 18, 2018
April 6, 2020.
The covid-19 pandemic has hit the world and we’re asked to self isolate. This has given me time to paint this painting of myself. It’ll be a reminder of this period in time.
Through this process, it cleared up a few things in my mind and opened up a few avenues I might want to explore in future paintings.
April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
April 6, 2020
oil on canvas
24x30 in.
18x24 in.
oil on canvas
Nov. 7, 2020
24x30 in.
oi on canvas
self portrait
oil on canvas
18x24 in.
Jan. 23, 2021
24x36 in.
oil on canvas
Feb. 22, 2021
A cheeky ironic commentary on the work life of an artist during the Covid pandemic lockdown. Dressing up for a zoom meeting from the waist up but staying in the paint smeared garb of an artist from the waist down.
24x24 in.
oil on canvas
April28, 2021
oil on canvas
36x36 in.
Where’d the years go?
8x10 in.
oil on masonite
I was trying to be a bit more abstract with this self portrait.