I started these two sketchbook spreads in December 2018 of my co worker, Lindsay. Every chance I would get when Lindsay and I were taking the same lunch break, I would wolf down lunch to try to get a few minutes of sketch time with Lindsay. After my initial ink sketch of her, I knew the spread was going to be a bit more than just my average sketch. I wanted it to be a full on, jam packed spread, with multiple images on top of each other. After every session, I thought “yeah, this could be good enough to scan and feed the internet beast”, but I kept it going until there was a second spread. The second spread definitely came closer to what I had imaged in my mind’s eye: messy, overlapped, crammed imagery and which was good enough to finally upload to the ever consuming body we know as the internet. It also gave me a chance to practice painting letters.
Sketching LIndsay during lunch breaks has not stopped just because I’ve finished these spreads… I just won’t show all of them.
Delayed Gratification
in sketchbook