I realized one of the objectives as I did more of these virtual sittings was to improve my portraiture skills using oil paints. So for this batch, aside from the first one, I transitioned to using oils. These virtual sittings are sequential. There are a few goals I want to achieve painting these portraits: 1. Get really comfortable painting portraits with oil paints. 2. Not to be precious about these portraits, meaning that I have to let go of making these portraits look like the sitters. They don’t have to. These are oil sketches. It’s a space where I could practice my colour sensitivity abilty to finish a portrait in one sitting.
Ren. My second sitting with her.
Mother and daughter.
Jim. The first sitting in oils with a person who wasn’t a family member.
Yvonne detail. I love the amount of paint applied on this one.
Esteban and Anna. Trying to conserve paper in my sketchbook.
Jim. My second sitting.
I like this spread.
Robyn, my go to sitter.