After completing the portraits of my nephew over my holidays and taking too much time for each of these daily paintings, I wanted to just do some quick studies. They were fun to do and I need to do more of them. And of course, the ever present sketches of my subway compatriots are included as well.
oil sketch
Virtual Sittings
I realized one of the objectives as I did more of these virtual sittings was to improve my portraiture skills using oil paints. So for this batch, aside from the first one, I transitioned to using oils. These virtual sittings are sequential. There are a few goals I want to achieve painting these portraits: 1. Get really comfortable painting portraits with oil paints. 2. Not to be precious about these portraits, meaning that I have to let go of making these portraits look like the sitters. They don’t have to. These are oil sketches. It’s a space where I could practice my colour sensitivity abilty to finish a portrait in one sitting.
Ren. My second sitting with her.
Mother and daughter.
Jim. The first sitting in oils with a person who wasn’t a family member.
Yvonne detail. I love the amount of paint applied on this one.
Esteban and Anna. Trying to conserve paper in my sketchbook.
Jim. My second sitting.
I like this spread.
Robyn, my go to sitter.
30 Faces, 30 Days, final week
So I finally finished this challenge and I’m a bit late with uploading my final batch of self portraits. But, really, no one’s looking over my shoulder. So without further ado, here are my final entries into this challenge. The one up side to this challenge is that it made me draw everyday. Doing something everyday for 21 days forms a habit doesn’t it? Well, I’m still drawing since I stopped thi schallenge so may it’s true?
April 22
April 23
April 25
April 28
April 29
April 30
April 30, bonus
Virtual Sittings, continued.
I glad I have so many friends who are willing to sit for me via video apps. My go to model is my niece. She’s a trooper. But also a big thanks to my friend, Thip who sat for me over two nights. I’m getting closer to her likeness, but I might need another sitting to accurately depict her.
April 24.
I decided to change mediums today. Inspired and a little fearful of doing a quick oil sketch of my niece. I like the result. I like the looseness and energy of this portrait. I’ll have to try to channel this mind set to future finished paintings.
April 22.
First sitting with Thip. I wasn’t too excited about this when I finished it but I think it turned out to be the better of the two.
April 23.